The association between the Newman and Fuente cigar families that began in the 1980’sĀ has blossomed into the most successful premium cigar manufacturing and distribution combination in the country. Both families possess a large sense of community and a commitment to give back. So in 2001, the two families formed the non-profit Cigar Family Charitable Foundation which has built two schools, a medical clinic, sports facilities andĀ organic farming area in the Dominican Republic, where J.C. Newmanā€™s premium handmadeĀ cigars are made. Together, with the help of generous aficionados and retailers worldwide,Ā we are changing the worldā€¦one child at a time.

Because the Fuente and Newman families underwrite all of the administrative costs of the charity,Ā when a donation is made ā€“Ā 100% of that donationĀ goes to fund the mission of the project.

Your generosity is important and shouldnā€™t be taken for granted. Every cent of every dollar donated to the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation goes to our cause, delivering consistent improvement upon the lives of families in the Dominican Republic.

Because the Fuente and Newman families underwrite all of the administrative costs of the charity,Ā when a donation is made ā€“Ā 100% of that donationĀ goes to fund the mission of the project.

Your generosity is important and shouldnā€™t be taken for granted. Every cent of every dollar donated to the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation goes to our cause, delivering consistent improvement upon the lives of families in the Dominican Republic.


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