Concerned about the future of their Nicaraguan brands, and wanting to take control of their own destiny, in 2011 third-generation cigar makers Eric and Bobby Newman built Puros de Estelí Nicaragua, S.A. (PENSA) in the heart of Estelí, Nicaragua.
Since then, J.C. Newman PENSA has more than tripled in size. Today, 840 employees hand roll 100,000 cigars there each day, making it the second largest factory in Nicaragua. The city of Estelí is one of the most important cigar producing regions in the world, and home more than 50 manufacturers.
J.C. Newman rolls its Brick House, Perla del Mar, El Baton, Quorum and other cigar brands at J.C. Newman PENSA. The factory is led by general managers Omar Ortez and Lazaro Lopez who have run the factory since its opening. Scroll down to learn more about each J.C. Newman brand handcrafted within our PENSA factory.